I used to be really into photography. I have a beautiful camera and several lenses that have gone to waste lately, but when photography was an active hobby, I was all in. My favorite thing to photograph was nature and autumn was my absolute favorite time of year to do that.
Autumn is really my favorite time of year for everything. I feel like I sleepwalk through all other seasons, that from late September until Thanksgiving is the only time I am truly awake and fully alive. The heat and humidity of summer take leave, the cool air rushes in and I am transformed. I have more energy, I feel like I can tackle life’s problems, I am motivated and eager to try new things. The coming of fall is like attaching a battery pack to a phone; there is extra life in me, I am powerful.
Nature puts on an amazing show each fall. Such colors! Such vibrancy! The trees shake off their leaves to carpet the ground in reds and oranges and it’s such a marvel to witness. Spring has its myriad colors when the flowers bloom and summer has its lush greenery, but nothing beats fall foliage for sheer natural beauty. Something about it fills my heart with unbridled joy and makes the change of seasons something I look forward to every year.
I know fall has its detractors. It gets dark early. It signifies that winter is coming, and with that, a bleakness that settles in until April. Those beautiful trees will soon be bare, branches just mere clawed arms reaching out for sunlight. I get that, and I hate winter as much as the rest of you. But for two brief months I am in my glory. I put on my hoodie and walk around the block each morning feeling invigorated and joyful, ready to take on the day. I don’t get that any other time of year and I need to soak up the short time that I feel that way. I’ll be sitting on my breezeway a lot, cup of coffee in hand, wrapped in a blanket, taking it all in.
I’m thinking about dusting off the camera again, getting down to the small forest by the lake to take some autumn shots. Just to shuffle my feet through the piles of leaves, to be surrounded by signs of my favorite season, to capture all that with my camera so I have pictures to stare at as winter settles in.
There’s no real point to today’s newsletter except to welcome fall in and post some pictures I took in years past.
I hope you enjoy the season as much as I do.
I welcome fall so hard, and I miss your photos so much.
Fall is great. I miss the fall from back east, but at least in Austin we have a decent "fall". The leaves don't always turn colors, but the temperature does drop and stays pretty steady through the rest of the year.
I feel incredibly guilty when I think about my camera gear just sitting unused in the closet. It was something I had a big passion for, and I think I had a pretty good eye for, but I just fell out from the hobby and can't seem to kick start myself back into it.