it’s a good thing we have an efficient and easily navigated healthcare system. I hope you can get some relief soon!

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About that: In November 1995 when I had my attack, my wife had just started work with the State of Louisiana. We signed up for their health care because it was way better than what my employer offered. We hadn't received our handbook yet but we went to the emergency room armed with my wife's check stub showing where a premium had been deducted. I let them run all sorts of tests and we ran up a $13,000 bill. Found out later that, despite paying a premium, our coverage didn't start until December 1. I had told them several times during the course of the stay as they were running all of those tests, "As long as my insurance covers it". We were both surprised. We negotiated that $13,000 bill down to $1700. And then the insurance covered the $10,000 surgery in December ... No squawking about a pre-existing condition. The numbers truly don't work but I kinda think insurance is a big part of the health care problem but not entirely their fault.

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Gosh, what a let-down for you. Home from the hospital, but not home free as far as pain is concerned. It's really bad that this long-drawn-out saga is continuing. I'm glad someone finally got around to looking at your blood work. You were probably getting liver function tests from day 1, but did they look at them? No! Better late than never. I hope your MRI finally results in a diagnosis. Too bad you have to wait so long. I'm hoping you get better ASAP - but probably not as much as you do! At least you can eat again and actually enjoy it. That's something. Your job now is to rest as much as possible and, get well (I bet you are really praying for that MRI to find something - I am too). Don't feel you have to write a newsletter until you are good and ready. I hope your dog and kids are giving you lots of comfort right now. You really need it - you've been through so much. Best wishes.

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Gallstone attacks are not pain you can live with. I had two of them way back when. Had no idea they'd cause you to vomit. On top of that, they are often misdiagnosed. My idiot emergency room doctor diagnosed me as alcoholic while he was looking at the ultrasound showing the gallstones. As for the scars, there should be four, not three. There's one in your navel, too, I think. You can't see mine any more but my wife, who has a much lighter complexion than I, has three really angry looking red scars and a fourth that's not as visible. Thankfully, gall bladder surgery is not nearly as barbaric as it once was. Get well soon, kiddo ... :)

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American healthcare: #1!!! Seriously, take care of yourself. Get better soon. The writing can wait, though I'd be going nuts if I couldn't write. That much I do know. I hope whatever happens next is the end of it for you.❤️

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