I think it's a very brave thing that you've done, putting your trauma out in public like this, I don't think that I could have done that. You need to do what is best for you. We all process grief and trauma in different ways, and this was your way and now you're moving on to the next stage of grief for your old life as you process your new life. Much respect for what you are doing and I love the way you write and the stories you tell, and look forward to seeing that in whatever form it takes, even if it's a twitter thread. All the best and hope you can enjoy the spring and summer and maybe some live music later in the year or whenever that can happen.

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I've been following you on your various platforms since 'asmallvictory' days, and I always look forward to your writings - even when I know it was hard for you to do, or was the byproduct of pain in your life. I know that may sound sadistic, but hear me out: Life is not all just sunshine and roses - and being able to share the 'less than perfect' times is a gift to yourself (for the reasons you already noted), and for _us_ - because it gives us insight into you and your heart, and allows us to share the pain with you, even if just a little. I'll be watching, and hoping to continue to hear from you, here, there - or wherever. Lately, I watch for your work mostly via this newsletter and Twitter, and hope that you'll clue us in so those of us that want to - can still follow you, wherever you go. BTW - I'm all in on Being Excellent To Each Other. It's something that as a species - we too seldom do.

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Thank you for giving us something that warmed our hearts, made us laugh or gave us a reason to think about something -- even if that something made us a bit uncomfortable. There were so many times after reading a particular sentence or paragraph where I said to myself, “Oh my. That was perfect.” In that moment, I was transported to a different place or time and the world around me ceased to exist for a few seconds or even a few minutes. Or, maybe I realized at that moment I had never actually understood an issue and it suddenly became crystal clear. I’ve always felt the very best thing a movie, song or any piece of writing can do is take me somewhere or show me something. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you and to say I look forward to reading something from you again – whenever or wherever that might be. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to follow you on Twitter. Be well.

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I loved each one of your stories to to read novels are so true you do whatever you have to do to make yourself happy much love

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Your stories were so familiar and you put voice to my feelings. I will miss you. Thank you and best wishes.

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Best of luck to you

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Sorry to see this end, but good luck!

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Thanks for all the fish! :-)

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