Major League Baseball would be wonderful, save for the Lords of the Game. They could've chosen a different, less damaging way to negotiate with players. Instead, they've chose to immolate the golden goose.

I've been to half of the MLB parks. I love the atmosphere, the ability to relax and enjoy something truly and uniquely American. Unfortunately, owners aren't making nearly enough billions, and so they're going to shut it all down until they get their way.

Yeah, THAT makes sense....

OK, it's hard to sympathize with multi-millionaires, but players have a shorter shelf life. Owners are forever...and that's the problem. They seem to think that THEY are the product, not the players on the field. Perhaps if their ownership careers were comparable in length to that of the average player they might see things differently.

In the meantime, I'll become even more embedded in my #1 obsession: soccer. If Baseball's going to take a dump on America, I'll enjoy MLS and European leagues. At least they're playing.

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I’m convinced that the owners have almost zero interest in the game of baseball. I’m not fully convinced it’s about the money, either. It’s about control. Their teams are their tinker toys.

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Got a minor league team nearby? We've really gotten into going to our local AA games. Nobody really cares who wins a minor league game, not even the team, so you really are just there for the crack of the bat, a hot dog, etc.

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I used to have a minor league team nearby. Then the owners wanted to bleed the state for a publicly funded stated so it moved to Worcester. And the new stadium is inconvenient, expensive and small.

So even Minot league baseball isn't free from being tainted by greedy owners.

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I'll be taking in a LSU game in Baton Rouge whenever I get a free weekend. I have May Cardinals/Giants tickets and August Cardinals/Yankees tickets. Not too nervous about those games yet but I will be in a couple of weeks.

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