Feb 19, 2021Liked by Michele Catalano

I can't remember the first modern album that clicked with me, but when I was maybe 12 or 13 I got Sgt. Peppers on CD (which was one of my first five CDs ever) and being in awe from front to back. How one song led into the next, callbacks to other songs from earlier in the album, everything about it blew my mind. Before that all I knew were individual songs on the radio with no concepts of albums

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Feb 19, 2021Liked by Michele Catalano

The first full album I loved was Phil Collins - No Jacket Required. I was lucky enough to go on a family trip through Europe for a few weeks and there was lots of time in cars/trains going from one stop to the next. I probably had 5 or 6 tapes with me for the Walkman but NJR was the only one I listened to. There are still a few tracks that, when I hear them, I'm immediately thrown back in time.

Related to yours though, my next music epiphany was probably 5 years later when a friend of mine got Who's Better, Who's Best - the packed greatest hits collection. It was the first time that I really listened to My Generation and 30+ years later I'm still reeling.

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Feb 19, 2021Liked by Michele Catalano

I liked all kinds of music but mainly only listened to the current radio songs in the 70s and early 80s. The summer between junior high and high school (1985), one of my friends played me Zeppelin's first album and it blew my mind. Every time I heard Good Times Bad Times, it takes me back to that moment.

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Perhaps it's corny, but for me it's absolutely U2's The Joshua tree. I was probably 7 or 8 years old when I got it--the first CD I ever owned, and the immensity of the sound from the beginning, that over-the-top Lillywhite production, just overwhelmed me.

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It was Neil Young after the Gold Rush loved your story makes for sharing all the time I look forward to reading your stories

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