Mar 11, 2021Liked by Michele Catalano

Grilling is a big comfort for me (which presents a big problem in winter), but I also love making a big batch of green chili pork stew or chili. I think it's partially the comfort of the food, but also the recognition that "hey, things might feel awful right now, but at least I can still do this." The accomplishment, however minor, also helps.

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Mar 11, 2021Liked by Michele Catalano

For me, comfort comes less from sense memory - there’s some of that with my grandmother’s Thanksgiving oyster dressing - and more from the ritual of preparation and process. I read your piece while drinking the coffee I prepare the same way every morning, by grinding fresh roasted whole beans, and brewing in a French press. The ritual of making the coffee provides more benefit to me than the caffeine. My go-to kitchen therapy is a whole chicken. Spatchcock, season, dry, grill (fair weather) or roast (poor weather), then slow cook a big pot of stock with the detritus. Cooking something that gives so much, like a whole chicken, gives me an honest feeling of gratitude. And the delicious smells from the cooking is legit aromatherapy.

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Everything you mentioned sounds good to me you're exactly right cooking takes my mind off everything

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