Back in the olden days they used to talk about all of us needing a third place. (Work and home were the first two. ) The third place was the place where everybody knew your name, a pub, coffee shop, volleyball team, whatever. Just some non-work or home location where you always felt comfortable. I think Twitter is that third place for a lot of us now, although I do have a local brewery that qualifies as a third place for me. I've mostly blocked enough people and keywords that my Twitter feed is reasonably pleasant most of the time.
Lot of the same feelings about Twitter. Went from a novelty when I started to a must-have source of instantaneous news, to a hot-bed a political nastiness to whatever it is nowadays. But I still enjoy it most days even though I follow MUCH fewer accounts than you.
PS - not sure how I first started following you. Probably a re-tweet from someone in baseball Twitter that tickled me.
Yep, yep, and yep. 14 years on Twitter and yep. Bless you.
100% my relationship with Twitter as well. For all of its faults, it's been my main lifeline.
Back in the olden days they used to talk about all of us needing a third place. (Work and home were the first two. ) The third place was the place where everybody knew your name, a pub, coffee shop, volleyball team, whatever. Just some non-work or home location where you always felt comfortable. I think Twitter is that third place for a lot of us now, although I do have a local brewery that qualifies as a third place for me. I've mostly blocked enough people and keywords that my Twitter feed is reasonably pleasant most of the time.
Lot of the same feelings about Twitter. Went from a novelty when I started to a must-have source of instantaneous news, to a hot-bed a political nastiness to whatever it is nowadays. But I still enjoy it most days even though I follow MUCH fewer accounts than you.
PS - not sure how I first started following you. Probably a re-tweet from someone in baseball Twitter that tickled me.
Verdant Dude (on Twitter)
speaking of which, what is your twitter handle? multiple Michele Catalano's on twitter. Just sayin'.